Regular MembershipRegular membership (Jan-Dec) is $100.
Off -season membership (Sept-Dec) is $50. KWAC fees of $20 apply to regular paddlers at the Kenmore location. Regular members enjoy full privileges and benefits. Vertical Divider
Youth MembershipChildren and young adults (ages 12-17) may paddle for free as long as their parent is a current club member.
Affiliate MembershipAffiliate membership is $50.
This membership level is for members of a KWAC club and/or another area dragon boat club. Affiliate members do not have voting privileges nor can they hold office, but otherwise enjoy all other privileges and benefits. Adult Student MembershipAdult students (age 18 and older) membership rate:
Full year (Jan-Dec) is $50. 1/2 season (Sept-Dec) is $25. Adult student members do not have voting privileges, but otherwise enjoy all other privileges and benefits. Vertical Divider
Short Term MembershipShort-term membership is $30 for 3 months. This is allowed once per year only.
This membership level may be for you, if you are temporarily working in or visiting the area for up to 3 months. If you decide to become a regular member, the short-term membership fee will be applied to a regular membership at any time during the same membership year. Short-term members do not have voting privileges, but otherwise enjoy all other privileges and benefits. |