Seattle Flying Fire Dragons is a dedicated competitive race team within the Seattle Flying Dragon Boat Club. The team is made up of club members who want to train more intensely and race more competitively. All club members who are willing to commit to the following are invited to join.
Attend Weekly Fire Dragons Practice (Monday nights)
RSVP for Fire Dragons Practice through Team Cowboy (website for team organization)
Attend at least one other SFD practice every week
Volunteer within the Club (e.g. take attendance, lead warm-ups, help with boat or site maintenance, steering, coaching, orientation, etc.)
Do at least two cardio workouts (at least 30 minutes of sustained exercise) per week (one can be the Saturday endurance practice)
Do at least one strength workout per week
Commit to eating more healthily for improved physical performance
Be open and responsive to regular, more focused coaching
Seattle Flying Fire Dragons will be forming competitive teams for each of the following races in 2019. The Fire team for each race will be made up of the strongest 20 paddlers based on digital paddle measurements, technique evaluation, overall fitness, attendance, and participation. Those who are not in the top 20 will form the foundation for the club's rec team at the race.
Rainier Dragon Boat Festival
Kent Dragon Boat Festival
Harrison Hot Springs Dragon Boat Festival, B.C., Canada